Rey Spadoni / Red Sail Advisors


Based not only on several decades of consulting experience serving mission driven nonprofits, Rey also draws from his roles as CEO, executive, and board member. See About for more information and representative projects.


Rey addresses professional groups, industry associations, boards of directors, employees, community groups, leadership teams, and others on a variety of topics. Consistently rated at the highest levels for engagement and value. See Testimonials for sample feedback.


Assisting CEOs and boards through transitions, developing actionable succession plans, and coaching and supporting the next generation of c-suite leaders, Rey can help supplement or elevate an organization’s leadership effectiveness.

Writing & Podcast

Author of Amazon bestseller, Saving Organizations That Matter, and host of weekly podcast, Leading Organizations That Matter, Rey explores topics of interest to all those who lead, support, or care about mission driven nonprofits.

Please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to discuss ways I may be able to help you and your organization that matters.